Have you just had fixed bite correctors applied or been recommended by your orthodontist to have them because of a bite discrepancy?
As orthodontists, we look at the entire arrangement of the teeth including the overall alignment and aesthetic appeal as well as the way the teeth fit together in the bite. The eventual alignment of your bite can reduce the likelihood of bite problems occurring later in life.
Why do I have a bite discrepancy?
Your genetics: The size and shape of your jaw and teeth are often hereditary. If your parents or grandparents have (or had) a bite discrepancy , such as an overbite, it is more likely that you will also have a similar problem
Thumb sucking: Prolonged thumb sucking past the age of five can contribute to protrusion of the upper front teeth and narrowing of the upper set of teeth
Impacted teeth: Teeth that haven’t emerged properly from the gums or are impacted can lead to space issues and misalignment of the surrounding teeth.
Different rates of jaw growth: In some instances, the upper and lower jaw can grow at different rates, leading to underbites, overbites, or crossbites.
For more information on what an overbite is, read our article on Fixing an Overbite with Braces.
Why Have We Recommended or Applied Fixed Bite Correctors for you bite discrepancy?
If we have applied or recommended a fixed bite corrector, it means that we have identified that we need to address your bite relationship because the top teeth are positioned too far forward in the face than the lower teeth and this may
1. Make the front teeth more prone to trauma from sport and daily activities.
2. Interfere with the lips closing, resulting in drying out of the gum tissue and predisposing to gum inflammation.
3. Leave the front teeth in an unstable position unsupported by the lower teeth+
Fixed Bite Correctors: Better Option for Young Patients
A fixed bite corrector is an orthodontic appliance that encourages you to hold your jaw in a protruded position and through a complex combination of jaw growth and tooth movement corrects the bite relationship. A fixed bite corrector is fixed to the top and bottom braces, so it is hidden by your cheeks.
The lower jaw has a genetically programmed tendency to grow forward that varies in amount between individuals. The bite corrector assists in moving the lower teeth forward and the upper teeth backward and the more the individual grows, the less the teeth have to move. The relative amount of tooth movement in the upper versus the lower can be controlled to some extent by what the orthodontists does to the wire to either resist or enhance movement I the upper or lower teeth A fixed bite corrector is extremely effective in the growing child however there are limits to how much change can be achieved.
In severe jaw relationship discrepancies, a compromise outcome or surgical plan to reposition the jaw or jaws may be necessary.
These are a Forsus(TM) fixed bite corrector attached directly to the braces.

These are a Herbst fixed bite corrector attached to stainless steel crowns cemented to the teeth.

Why Do We Use Fixed Bite Correctors?
As orthodontists, fixed bite correctors are our preferred method for correcting an overbite. Being fixed, they shorten the treatment time compared to removable appliances and rubber bands. As the bite corrector is fixed to the main wires of your braces, it means we can treat the alignment of your teeth, the arch of your teeth, and your bite alignment all at the same time.
Unlike a removable appliance or rubber bands, which relies on patient cooperation, a fixed bite corrector removes any onus on your part as the patient to ensure the appliance is used or replaced. Since it is fixed, it continually works and does not require any adjustments or input by yourself, unlike other orthodontic devices.
What to Expect with a Newly Fitted Bite Corrector
Your teeth may be tender for the first few days as they adapt to the appliance. Over-the-counter pain medication, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, can be taken to alleviate any pain.
It’s normal for the appliance to feel bulky in the mouth for the first week or so, and it will take a few days for the mouth to get used to it Initially, your cheeks may suffer from some mild irritation but you can use some dental wax, available from our office to rub on the device to reduce the irritation. You can also use some stretched out cotton wool with Vaseline rubbed into it to lay over the springs. Some patients find it quite soothing to mix half a teaspoon of salt water with a cup of warm water and swish the solution around your mouth.
If you notice that your device has changed the sensation of speech or it feels different to swallow, you will most probably adapt to the device and everything will feel normal again after a short while.
Try to avoid opening your mouth too wide or yawning with a wide mouth. This can disrupt the function of the mechanism and, in some cases, cause breakages.
You may want to opt for liquid and soft foods initially while you get used to the device.
A Word for the Parents: During the first week of treatment, your child’s mouth will feel different for them until their their mouth adapt to the device. Your child may be upset or concerned about how their mouth feels or how their speech feels different, but reassure them that their mouth will soon get used to the device and it will feel normal again after a short period of time. Please call us if you have any questions, problems, or concerns. Your support during your child’s orthodontic treatment is invaluable.
Taking Care of Your Appliance
Give yourself extra time when it comes to cleaning your teeth. If not cleaned properly, the bar on a fixed bite corrector can accumulate trapped food and bacteria, so it is important to thoroughly clean around the bars. Foods that are chewy, sticky, or hard should be avoided as they can be more prone to being trapped behind the bars.
Questions or Concerns
If you have any questions or concerns about fixed bite correctors or about your orthodontic treatment in general, please call us on 1300 067 846.