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Orthodontic treatment may indeed last a lifetime. But to ensure a new smile lasts decades, looking after your teeth is essential.
We live in a digital world. There’s a digital element to most aspects of our lives, and orthodontics is no exception.
Braces might seem to be all the protection teeth need while playing sports. But nothing can be further from the truth.
Several factors contribute to the state of our oral health. Behind brushing and flossing, our diet can have the greatest influence. But it's not always clear which foods are best for gums and teeth. Dive in and find out.
Is today the day that you're finally ready for your braces to be fitted? New patients tend to have a range of emotions arising, and it's all part of the process.
Bad teeth are caused by bacteria that live on the surface of teeth and may directly affect the tooth or have an impact on the surrounding gums and supporting bone.
We’ve all seen a "perfect smile" but what do we mean by a perfect bite? It has nothing to do with the way a person chews their food but how the top and bottom teeth fit together.
Join us for a comprehensive exploration of orthodontics with The Orthodontists, as we unravel the secrets behind achieving beautifully aligned smiles and optimal dental health.
We make sure that each and every visit is a pleasant and professional experience so contact us today to book your appointment.
Discover the transformative power of the Rapid Maxillary Expander (RME) as we guide you through its activation and adjustment process in this enlightening video.
Losing the first baby tooth is a milestone moment in any child’s life and luckily, the tooth fairy’s expense is spread out over several years.
Brushing your toddler’s teeth can turn into a daily battle. But if you can turn the frontline into a fun time, you’ll win the war.