Pricing & Rebates Sort by: Default Most Recent Most Viewed Topics 1 to 9 of 9 Prev 1 Next How does your cost compare to other orthodontic clinics? Category: Pricing & Rebates What is the best health fund to get the maximum rebate back? Category: Pricing & Rebates Why does Invisalign cost so much? Category: Pricing & Rebates Are braces expensive? Category: Pricing & Rebates Can you give me a figure on how much my braces will cost? Category: Pricing & Rebates Do you offer large rebates from my insurance fund? Category: Pricing & Rebates Are there any further charges over the course of treatment? Category: Pricing & Rebates Is there a second child discount? Category: Pricing & Rebates How much does treatment cost? Category: Pricing & Rebates Topics 1 to 9 of 9 Prev 1 Next